Testimonials & Reviews

Active Life Orthopedics
Jeremy McCandless, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon located in San Diego, CA
Dr. Jeremy McCandless always appreciates feedback from his valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 4 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Dr. Jeremy McCandless below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
Barbara S.
Submitted 08/15/19
Dr. McCandless is very personable. He replaced my left knee. I was the envy at physical therapy as they were amazed how 'nice' my scar had healed up and was 'less' compared to most. When I do look at other people's knee surgery scars I have to admit, mine is a lot 'nicer'..if a scar can be 'nice.' ;-) I truly feel Dr. McCandless does care about details such as the 'scars' after surgery. He is very proactive his surgeries are a success.
Janis A.
Submitted 06/16/18
Ever since the first office visit I felt he had a good bedside manner. I felt like he was sitting in my living room.
Dr. McCandless is very caring.
Patrick S.
Submitted 04/04/18
I had 2 hip replacements 6wks apart. I am now pain free and feel like how a normal person should feel. I can walk normal and squat down and pick up items off the floor. My range of motion is back, I can now tie my left shoe. Everything went just like Dr. McCandless said it would. He is the best.
Courtney B.
Submitted 04/02/18
I don't have enough good things to say about Dr. McCandless. I am only 39 years old and I came to see him after one failed hip replacement and one failed hip revision. I was honestly ready to give up because I was in so much pain on a daily basis. I read about Dr. McCandless and his practice, but was initially hesitant because his bio says that he performs numerous robotic surgeries. My first hip replacement was done robotically, so I didn't think this was the route for me. However, Dr. McCandless looks at each case individually, he took all aspects of the situation into account; my age/active lifestyle, the number of surgeries I've had and my body type/structure. I was ready to go into debt to pay out of network for this surgery, but Dr. McCandless "saved me," in more ways than one because I found out at the last minute that he was covered by my insurance. My most recent hip revision was extremely complicated and Dr. McCandless knew he would perform the surgery manually, without the use of the robotic system because this was the best option for me. I am still rehabbing my hip, but this is the best I've felt in probably 4-5 years. This man is incredibly precise, incredibly thorough and in my estimation, he does brilliant work. I would highly recommend him to anyone.