Knee Arthritis Specialist

Active Life Orthopedics
Jeremy McCandless, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon located in San Diego, CA
Dr. McCandless helps patients in and around San Diego, CA, reduce or eliminate the painful symptom of knee arthritis so they can feel comfortable and enjoy their normal activities without pain. He sees patients at locations in El Cajon and Coronado.
Knee Arthritis Q & A
What causes knee arthritis?
Knee arthritis most commonly occurs as a result of age-related degenerative changes in the joint that cause the joint surfaces to wear down, resulting in pain and inflammation in the joint. However, there are other factors that can also contribute to the development of knee arthritis, including being overweight or obese, injury to the joint, repetitive motion like repeated lifting of heavy objects or certain sports or physical activities, and diseases. Women also have a higher chance of developing knee arthritis as do people who have a family history of the disease.
What are the symptoms of knee arthritis?
The most common symptoms of knee arthritis include:
Pain in the knee joint, especially during motion
Stiffness in the knee
Decreased joint mobility
Crunching noises when using the joint
Redness, tenderness and swelling in or around the joint
Feeling of warmth in and around the knee
How is knee arthritis diagnosed?
The diagnosis of knee arthritis begins with a physical exam of the joint, including range of motion and other simple tests to determine how the joint is affected. Dr. McCandless will review your personal and family medical histories and may order diagnostic imaging like x-rays or MRIs to see inside the joint and check for changes that indicate arthritis.
How is knee arthritis treated?
The treatment for knee arthritis depends in part on the factors that may be contributing to it. For instance, if you're overweight, you may need to lose excess weight to decrease strain on the joint. When repetitive motion is identified as contributing to your symptoms, you may need to try to limit those activities. Treatments include gentle exercise and physical therapy, use of anti-inflammatory pain medications, injections of corticosteroids or lubricating fluids directly into the joint, use of a cane or brace, or knee replacement surgery when other options fail.